Is Your RV Ready for Spring Travel? Pre-Transport Checklist

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As the freshness of spring fills the air, the call of the open road becomes irresistible to RV enthusiasts. But before you embark on your next adventure, it’s essential to ensure your RV readiness is on top to face the journeys ahead. The transition from winter storage to spring travel demands careful attention to every aspect of your RV’s condition.

At MoveWheels, we understand the importance of your trailer being ready and have crafted this comprehensive pre-transport checklist to guarantee a smooth and stress-free travel experience. From meticulous exterior inspections to ensuring the reliability of mechanical systems, each step is designed to optimize RV maintenance and transportation, ensuring your journey is as enjoyable as it is unforgettable.

Here’s a comprehensive pre-transport checklist to guide your RV prep and make sure your journeys are smooth and worry-free:

Inspecting the Exterior
Checking the Mechanical Systems
Interior Preparation
Preparing Documentation
Choosing a Reliable RV Transport Company

RV Readiness Checklist: Ensure Safe Travel

Inspecting the Exterior

Ensuring the exterior of your RV is in optimal condition is crucial for both RV readiness and safe RV shipping. Follow these steps to conduct a thorough inspection:

Ensuring the exterior of your RV is crucial for both RV readiness and safe RV shipping
Check for visible damage: Begin by conducting a detailed visual inspection of the exterior of your RV. Look for any signs of damage, including cracks, dents, or scratches. Pay close attention to areas such as the roof, sidewalls, and corners, as these are common areas where damage can occur.
Assess tire condition: Proper tire maintenance is essential for safe RV transportation. Inspect each tire for signs of wear, including tread depth and uneven wear patterns. Check tire pressure using a reliable gauge and ensure it matches the manufacturer’s recommended levels. Don’t forget to inspect the spare tire as well.
Inspect external components: Carefully examine all external components of your RV, including awnings, vents, and storage compartments. Ensure that these components are securely attached and functioning correctly. Any loose or damaged components should be repaired or replaced before shipping your RV.
Verify sealant integrity: Check the condition of the sealant around windows, doors, and other openings on your RV. Over time, sealant can deteriorate, leading to water leaks and potential damage. If you notice any cracks or gaps in the sealant, it’s essential to reseal these areas to prevent water intrusion.

By following these steps to inspect the exterior of your RV, you can ensure that it is in optimal condition for spring travel and RV shipping. Addressing any issues proactively will not only enhance your RV readiness but also contribute to a safe and enjoyable journey.

Checking the Mechanical Systems

Ensuring the mechanical systems of your RV are in optimal condition is paramount for RV readiness and safe RV transportation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to inspecting these critical components:

Checking the RV Mechanical Systems
Engine and battery check: Begin by starting the engine and allowing it to run for a few minutes to ensure smooth operation. Listen for any unusual noises or vibrations that may indicate underlying issues. Additionally, check the battery to ensure it is fully charged and free from corrosion.
Brake system inspection: Carefully examine the brake system, including the brake pads, rotors, and calipers. Look for signs of wear such as uneven brake pad thickness or brake fluid leaks. Test the brakes by applying gentle pressure to the pedal and ensuring they respond promptly and smoothly. 
Suspension and fluid levels: Inspect the suspension system for signs of wear or damage, such as sagging springs or leaking shocks. Additionally, check all fluid levels, including oil, coolant, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid. Topping up fluids to the recommended levels and addressing any leaks will ensure optimal performance during RV transportation. 
Check for fluid leaks: Look for any signs of fluid leaks underneath your RV, including oil, coolant, or transmission fluid. Addressing leaks promptly is essential to prevent damage to your vehicle and ensure safe RV shipping. If you notice any leaks, consult a professional mechanic for further inspection and repairs. 

By following these steps to check the mechanical systems of your RV, you can ensure that it is in optimal condition for spring travel and RV shipping. Addressing any issues proactively will not only enhance your RV readiness but also contribute to a safe and enjoyable journey.

Interior Preparation

Preparing the interior of your RV is essential for ensuring both comfort and safety during spring travel and RV shipping. Follow these steps to ready the interior of your RV for the road:

Interior Preparation checklist fir rv readiness
Appliance functionality: Test all appliances in your RV, including the refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave, and HVAC system. Ensure they are functioning correctly and operating at the desired temperature. Clean or replace any filters to maintain optimal performance.
Plumbing and electrical systems: Inspect the plumbing system for leaks, including faucets, pipes, and connections. Run water through all faucets and drains to ensure proper drainage and check for any signs of leaks. Test the electrical system, including outlets, switches, and lighting fixtures, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace any blown fuses or faulty wiring as needed.
Clean and organize: Thoroughly clean the interior of your RV, including floors, countertops, and upholstery. Remove any clutter and organize storage areas to prevent items from shifting during transit. Secure loose items and fragile belongings to prevent damage during RV transportation.
Secure loose items: Before hitting the road, secure all loose items inside your RV to prevent them from shifting during travel. Use storage bins, straps, and organizers to keep items in place and reduce the risk of damage. Pay special attention to items in cabinets, drawers, and overhead compartments.

By following these steps to prepare the interior of your RV, you can ensure a comfortable and safe travel experience. Addressing any issues proactively will not only enhance your RV readiness but also contribute to a stress-free journey on the open road.

Preparing Documentation

Gathering and organizing necessary documentation is a crucial step in ensuring RV readiness and a smooth RV transportation process. Here’s what you need to prepare:

Preparing Documentation for rv transportation
Registration and insurance: Ensure your RV’s registration is up to date and that you have valid insurance coverage for the duration of the transport. Make copies of these documents and keep them in a secure, easily accessible location.
Service records: Compile any recent service records, including maintenance and repair documentation. This provides valuable information about the condition of your RV and helps ensure it is in optimal working order for transport.
Special instructions: If there are any specific handling instructions or requirements for your RV, make sure to document them clearly. This could include information about operating certain features or precautions to take during transport. Communicate these instructions to your chosen RV transport company to ensure they are followed correctly.
Emergency contact information: Prepare a list of emergency contact numbers, including your own contact information and that of a trusted individual who can be reached in case of an emergency during transport. Include details such as your RV’s make, model, and license plate number for reference.

By preparing and organizing these documents in advance, you can streamline the RV transportation process and ensure that all necessary information is readily available when needed. This proactive approach to documentation management enhances RV readiness.

Choosing a Reliable Company for RV Transportation

Selecting a reputable RV transport company is crucial for ensuring the safe and timely delivery of your vehicle. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Choosing a Reliable Company for RV Transportation
Experience: Look for a transport company with extensive experience in transporting RVs. An established track record indicates expertise in handling different types of RVs and navigating various transportation challenges.
Insurance coverage: Verify that the transport company offers comprehensive insurance coverage for your RV during transit. This protects you against any potential damage or loss that may occur during transport. Request proof of insurance and review the coverage details carefully.
Customer reviews: Research the reputation of the RV transport company by reading customer reviews and testimonials. Pay attention to feedback regarding punctuality, communication, and overall satisfaction with the transportation services. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau can provide valuable insights into the company’s reliability and professionalism.
Licensing and accreditation: Ensure that the transport company is properly licensed and accredited to operate in your area. Verify their credentials with relevant regulatory authorities and confirm compliance with industry standards and regulations. This provides assurance that the company operates legally and adheres to safety guidelines.
Transport options: Consider the transport options offered by the company and choose one that best suits your needs. Whether you prefer open-air transport for cost-effectiveness or enclosed transport for added protection, ensure that the company can accommodate your preferences. Discuss any specific requirements or concerns with the company to ensure a customized transport solution.

By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting a reputable RV transport company like MoveWheels, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is in capable hands. With a reliable transport partner, you can embark on your spring travels with confidence, knowing that your RV will arrive safely at its destination.

Preparing your RV for spring travel and transportation is a vital step in ensuring a seamless and enjoyable journey. By following the comprehensive pre-transport checklist outlined in this article, you can enhance your RV readiness and safeguard your vehicle for the road ahead. From inspecting the exterior and mechanical systems to preparing documentation and choosing a reliable transport company, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth travel experience.

Remember, thorough preparation is key to a stress-free journey, whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure. With MoveWheels as your trusted partner in RV transportation, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

For more tips and insights on RV towing and transportation, be sure to check out MoveWheels’ blog.

Safe travels!


What is the process for obtaining a quote for RV transportation services?

To receive a quote for RV transportation services, simply provide us with details about your RV, including its make, model, dimensions, and destination. Our team will assess your needs and provide you with a personalized quote tailored to your requirements.

How often should I perform maintenance checks on my RV before spring travel?

It’s recommended to conduct a thorough maintenance check on your RV at least once a month, especially before embarking on any long-distance trips. This helps ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition for safe and reliable travel.

What are some common signs of wear and tear on RV tires, and how can I address them?

Common signs of tire wear include uneven tread wear, cracking, and bulging. To address these issues, regularly inspect your tires for signs of damage and ensure proper inflation. Consider rotating your tires and replacing them if necessary to maintain optimal performance and safety.

How can I protect my RV’s exterior from damage during transportation?

To protect your RV’s exterior during transportation, consider investing in a high-quality cover or protective film. Additionally, ensure that all external components are securely fastened and consider using protective padding or covers for vulnerable areas such as windows and mirrors.

Are there any specific maintenance tasks I should prioritize for RVs that have been in storage over the winter?

Yes, RVs that have been in storage over the winter may require additional maintenance tasks such as checking for rodent damage, inspecting seals and gaskets for signs of deterioration, and flushing out water systems to remove any antifreeze residue.

What steps should I take to winterize my RV before storing it for the season?

To winterize your RV, drain all water tanks and lines, add antifreeze to plumbing systems, and seal off any openings to prevent pests from entering. Additionally, consider using RV covers or tarps to protect your vehicle from snow and ice.

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